Attention business owners: Pay yourselves first!

Do you find it difficult to save as a business owners, despite your best intentions to do so? This is especially challenging for business owners, who are responsible for paying the running expenses for their business, such as rent and staff wages and often neglect looking after themselves and their own family.

We find that our most successful business owners make a commitment to automatically pay themselves first from their business a “set amount” each week. This is best achieved by business owners setting up an automatic payment such as a direct debit from their business account to their personal account or investment account.

Treat yourself and your family with the same respect you treat your suppliers and staff. By autoamtically paying yourself an amount each payrun, you will set the habit for saving. Remember, you work hard in your business – reward yourself with a paypacket! It doesn’t have to be huge to begin with, it’s the habit that’s important.